Development Strategies of a National Company in Transnational Oligopolistic Market: The Case of Cooperative Pascual


  • José G. University of Guadalajara
  • Vargas-Hernández University of Guadalajara


Pascual Cooperative, successful firm, strategy


The objective of this paper is to analyze the success reached due to the implementation of the strategies used by Cooperativa Pascual. An analytic approach is used to understand it’s most important problematic. After the labor shortcut in 1982 and posterior worker´s strike that lasted more than 3 years that lead to the delivery of the company assets to the workers, the firm changed its name from “Pascual S.A.” to “Cooperativa Pascual”. Despite all this struggles, the company could perform as one of the best firms at national level in the beverage industry. Cooperativa Pascual is an example of strategy application in companies, because it competes with some of the biggest transnational like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and others.


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Author Biographies

José G., University of Guadalajara

University Center for Economic and Managerial Sciences

Vargas-Hernández, University of Guadalajara

M.B.A. Ph. D.


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How to Cite

G., J. ., & Vargas-Hernández. (2015). Development Strategies of a National Company in Transnational Oligopolistic Market: The Case of Cooperative Pascual. International Journal For Research In Business, Management And Accounting, 1(1), 01–09. Retrieved from