Occupational burnout, Professional values, Government, private, University teachers.Abstract
The present study was conducted to study the occupational burnout and professional values of male and female teachers of government and private universities. Descriptive survey method has been used in the present study to obtain the pertinent and precise information. Purposive sampling technique was used for selection of sample of 200 University teachers. The data on occupational burnout and professional values was obtained by using Maslach Burnout Inventory and Professional Values scale.
2X2 factorial design of ANOVA is applies to analyze the data. The main finding of the study exhibits that (a) gender do not make any influence on occupational burnout and professional values of university teachers. (b) Institution type also does not make any influence on occupational burnout and professional values. (c) The interaction of institution type and gender also do not make any influence on occupational burnout and professional values.
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Akbaba, S. (2014). A Comparison of the Burnout Levels of Teachers with Different Occupational Satisfaction Sources. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice. retrieved on dated 28/03/2016 from http://eric.ed.gov.
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Çokluk, Ö. (1999). Zihinsel ve işitme engelliler okulunda görev yapan yönetici ve öğretmenlerde tükenmişliğin kestirilmesi. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. Devi, A. (2013). A Comparative Study of Teacher Educators of Government-Financed and Self-Financed Colleges of Education in Relation to Their Professional Values, Teaching Aptitude and Job Satisfaction.
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Elizur, D. & Koslowsky, M. (2001). Value and Organizational Commitment. International Journal of Manpower, 22(7), 593-599.
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Mahakud, G. C. & Bajaj, D. (2014). Organizational Role Stress and Burnout among Government and Private School Teachers in Delhi City: AComparative Study. International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR), 3 (2), June 2014.
Manhas,K.& Saigal, P.(2013). Professional Values among Teachers: Gaps and Status. Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 3(6), 2249-9598.
Maslach, C., Schaufeli, W.B., & Leiter, M.P. (2001). Maslach burnout inventory manual (3rd ed.). Annual Review of Psychology, 52, 397-422.
Nelson, J. R. (2002). Thriving and surviving in a new medical career: The case of hospitalist physicians. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 43(1), 72−91.
Seon, H.K. & Mi, H.K. (2008). Occupational Burnout and the Factors Related to it among Middle School Teachers. Psychological review, 64(4), 253-262.
Smith. M. & Bourke, S. (1992). Teacher Stress: Examining a model based on context, workload and satisfaction. Teacher and Teacher Education, 8(1), 21-46.
Shukla, A. & Trivedi, T. (2008). Burnout in Indian Teachers. Asia Pacific Education Review, 9(3), 320-334.
Taveggia,T.C.&T.Ziemba.(1978)."Linkages to Work: A Study of the 'Central Life Interests' and 'Work Attachments' of Male and Female Workers." Journal of Vocational Behavior 12, 305-32.
Wiggins, K.(2015). Teaching is among that top three most stressed occupations. www.tes.com retrieved on 22/04/16.
Zani, B. & Pietrantoni, L. (2001) Gender differences in burnout, empowerment and somatic symptoms among health professionals: moderators and mediators. Equal Opportunities International, 20 ( 1)2, 39 – 48.
Adekola, B. (2009). Gender differences in the experience of work burnout among university staff. African Journal of Business Management Vol. 4(6), 886-889. Retrieved from www.academicjournals.org/AJBM
Akbaba, S. (2014). A Comparison of the Burnout Levels of Teachers with Different Occupational Satisfaction Sources. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice. retrieved on dated 28/03/2016 from http://eric.ed.gov.
Boyed & Wylie, R. (1994). Stressors, Self-Efficacy, Coping Resources, and Burnout among Secondary School Teachers in Spain. Educational Psychology, 26(4), 519-539, retrieved on dated 11/1/15 from http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/default.html.
Cahoon, A. R. & Rowney, J. I. A. (1989) a comparison of burnout across public/private sector managers. Journal of health and human Resources Administration , 12(1), 79-94.
Cemaloğlu, N. ve Şahin, D. E. (2007). Öğretmenlerin mesleki tükenmişlik düzeylerinin farklı değişkenlere. Retrieved from http://eric.ed.gov.
Çokluk, Ö. (1999). Zihinsel ve işitme engelliler okulunda görev yapan yönetici ve öğretmenlerde tükenmişliğin kestirilmesi. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. Devi, A. (2013). A Comparative Study of Teacher Educators of Government-Financed and Self-Financed Colleges of Education in Relation to Their Professional Values, Teaching Aptitude and Job Satisfaction.
retrieved on dated 22/11/2014 from http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in.
Dolunay, A. B. ve Piyal, B. (2001). Öğretmenlerde bazı mesleki özellikler ve tükenmişlik. Kriz Dergisi,11 (1), 35–48.
Donald, M.C. & Korabik, K. (1991). Source of Occupational Burnout and Ways of Coping among Male and Female Managers in Perrewe. Hand book job burnout; Select Press, New York, 185-199.
Dworkin, A.G. (1987). Teacher Burnout in the Public Schools: Structural Causes and Consequences for Children. State University of New York Press.
Edwards, J.R. (2001). Multidimensional Construct in Organizational Behavior Research: An Integrative Analytic Framework. Organizational research methods, 4 (1).
Elaine, M. M. &Charles, W. M. (2002). Gender Differences in the Professional Orientations of Protestant Clergy. Sociological Forum 17(3), 465-491 retrieved from http://link.springer.com
Elizur, D., Borg, I., Hunt, R. & Beck, I. M. (1991). The Structure of Work Values: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 12, 21-38.
Elizur, D. & Koslowsky, M. (2001). Value and Organizational Commitment. International Journal of Manpower, 22(7), 593-599.
Etzion, D., & Pines, A. (1986). Sex and culture in burnout and coping among human service professionals: A social psychological perspective. Journal of Cross- Cultural Psychology, 17(2), 191−209.
Freudenberger, H. J. (1974). Staff Burnout. Journal of Social Issues, 30(1), 159-165.
Greene, Graham (1961). A Burnt-Out Case. New York (Amer. ed.): The Viking Press, vii-viii.
Gündüz, B. (2004) Öğretmenlerde tükenmişliğin akılcı olmayan inançlar ve bazı mesleki değişkenlere göre yordanması. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Adana.
Gupta, A. K. (1984). Teacher Education: Current and Prospects. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.
Kapoor,D.R. (2009). Dynamics of Learning Organizations. New Delhi: Regal Publications.
Kırılmaz, A., Çelen,Y. ve Sarp, N. (2003). İlköğretimde çalışan bir öğretmen grubunda “tükenmişlik durumu” araştırması (Online). İlköğretim-Online 2 (1), 2-9. http://ilkogretim-online. org.tr. adresinden 01/03/2014.
Leiter, M.P. (2003). Coping Patterns as Predictor of Burnout the Function of Contra And Escapist Coping Patterns. Journal of organizational behavior , 64(4), 253-262.
Mahakud, G. C. & Bajaj, D. (2014). Organizational Role Stress and Burnout among Government and Private School Teachers in Delhi City: AComparative Study. International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR), 3 (2), June 2014.
Manhas,K.& Saigal, P.(2013). Professional Values among Teachers: Gaps and Status. Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 3(6), 2249-9598.
Maslach, C., Schaufeli, W.B., & Leiter, M.P. (2001). Maslach burnout inventory manual (3rd ed.). Annual Review of Psychology, 52, 397-422.
Nelson, J. R. (2002). Thriving and surviving in a new medical career: The case of hospitalist physicians. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 43(1), 72−91.
Seon, H.K. & Mi, H.K. (2008). Occupational Burnout and the Factors Related to it among Middle School Teachers. Psychological review, 64(4), 253-262.
Smith. M. & Bourke, S. (1992). Teacher Stress: Examining a model based on context, workload and satisfaction. Teacher and Teacher Education, 8(1), 21-46.
Shukla, A. & Trivedi, T. (2008). Burnout in Indian Teachers. Asia Pacific Education Review, 9(3), 320-334.
Taveggia,T.C.&T.Ziemba.(1978)."Linkages to Work: A Study of the 'Central Life Interests' and 'Work Attachments' of Male and Female Workers." Journal of Vocational Behavior 12, 305-32.
Wiggins, K.(2015). Teaching is among that top three most stressed occupations. www.tes.com retrieved on 22/04/16.
Zani, B. & Pietrantoni, L. (2001) Gender differences in burnout, empowerment and somatic symptoms among health professionals: moderators and mediators. Equal Opportunities International, 20 ( 1)2, 39 – 48.
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