Soils Types Based Their Physical and Chemical Behaviour and Their Formation in Relation to Agro Ecologies and Their Ages Based on Their Horizons


  • Kasim Roba Department of Honey Bee Forage and Pollination Ecology, Botany, Holeta Bee Research Center, Ethiopia POBox-22, Holeta, Ethiopia



Soil is often the most important asset of small holder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. This technical reference presents the different types of soil, their characteristics and the simple indicators for recognizing them.Spodosols are the second most abundant soil order in Wis- consin, accounting for 17% of the land area and 15% of the soil series in the state. Spodosols occur to the north of the tension zone. Of the 105 Spodosol soil series, 69% are Orthods and 31% are Aquods. Key properties of Spodosols are the sandy parent materials and textures, the accumulation of soil organic C in the upper spodic horizon, the low cation-exchange capacities and base saturation, the acid conditions, and especially the accumulation of oxalate- and pyrophosphate-extractable iron and aluminum in the spodic horizon. The dominant soil-forming processes in Spodosols are podzolization, base cation leaching, with gleization occurring in Aquods. Spodosols primarily are used for growing pulpwood and a firewood.All soil contains four major elements. Air (20-30%), soil solution, (20-30%), mineral fraction (45%) and organic matter (5) of their volume. Fertility and color of the soil is affected by many things like organic material they made of, climatic condition in which that soil was formed, age the of soil based their horizons and topography. Soil fertility declines following continuous cultivation along with the use of fertilizers causing concern for sustainable food productivity. This study assessed chemical properties of degraded Alfisol, and also evaluated potential of organic residues and fertilizers in improving them.Classification is basically important to any science. Classification provides the avenue through which research can be addressed in a rigorously systematic manner and also have more practical applications for all soil survey program and mapping the soils of any region.


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How to Cite

Roba, K. . (2021). Soils Types Based Their Physical and Chemical Behaviour and Their Formation in Relation to Agro Ecologies and Their Ages Based on Their Horizons. International Journal For Research In Applied And Natural Science, 7(6), 01–10.