On First Ignition in Metallic Plate Covered Geometry


  • Zahid H. Khokhar




Multiphase Modeling,, Air jet,, Ignition, Safety,, Fuzzy interfacing, Low temperature


In this work, metallic covered boundary geometry is considered. Bottom half estimates equally spaced liquid and gas. Control volume is constructed, meshed, and refined at interests. Jet of air is allowed to enter from the top at a side; and run for a case of jet flow in empty. Unsteady turbulence multiphase modeling simulations are performed. The continuum is set with the fluids: single and couple. Single as well as the coupled fluids are at rest initially. The jet strikes the constituent and strips each other. Volume fraction contours draws the first ignition. Accident, jet and container space fuzzified to build relationships among the information gained.


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How to Cite

Khokhar, Z. H. (2016). On First Ignition in Metallic Plate Covered Geometry. International Journal For Research In Applied And Natural Science, 2(1), 113–127. https://doi.org/10.53555/ans.v2i1.122