The Expected Value of Sampling Information for Linear Decision Problem on Two Actions Under the Ga-E Model for Random Censoring Test


  • Chaobing He School of Mathematics and Statistics, Anyang Normal University, Anyang 455000, China



likelihood function, posterior distribution, revenue function, optimal action, Monte Carlo method


Firstly, this paper obtains the likelihood function based on the observed data under the random censoring test, then studies the posterior distribution of parameter of exponential distribution life for the Ga-E model under random censoring test, and focuses on the EVSI calculation formula of linear decision problem on two actions under the Ga{E model for random censoring test, however, most of the calculations are done using the Monte Carlo method.


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How to Cite

He, C. . (2020). The Expected Value of Sampling Information for Linear Decision Problem on Two Actions Under the Ga-E Model for Random Censoring Test. International Journal For Research In Mathematics And Statistics, 6(12), 01–13.