Investigation of Tensile Strength and Water Absorption Properties of Natural Composites with Poly Lactic Acid
Natural composites, Polylactic acid,, Snake grass fiber, Elephant grass fiberAbstract
Polylactic Acid (PLA) is a completely biodegradable potential replacement of plastics used in the structural applications due to its enhanced load-bearing capabilities. Mostly, the mechanical properties of the natural fiber reinforced hybrid composites are better than the single fiber reinforced composites and almost equal to the synthetic fiber composites. This paper presents the extraction and preparation methodology of the polylactic acid (PLA) composites using the naturally available fibers like snake grass and elephant grass fibers. Natural fiber composite materials are one such capable material which replaces the conventional and synthetic materials for the practical applications where we require less weight and energy conservation. Snake grass fiber and elephant grass fiber composites have the maximum tensile and water absorption properties when compared with other fiber composites. The result shows that the snake grass fiber and elephant grass composites have the maximum tensile and
water absorption properties of natural composites with polylactic acid.
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