Wind Energy Water Pumping System
water pumping, wind mill,, rotor, positive displacement, prototypes, pumping, chamber.Abstract
This project concept is based on mechanical engineering and sustainable development in developing countries. Hence research and analysis has shown that wind energy, solar energy and biomass are the most prominent solutions to the above problems because they are eco-friendly and readily available in nature. Wind Mill is used to generate wind energy . The windmills provide mechanical energy that is used directly on machinery. E g: water pump or wind turbines that provide electrical energy .The covers are in place to prevent soil from clogging the holes, drip irrigation system was not part of this project. A water pumping windmill which can be built largely with materials and skills available in rural areas has been designed and fabricated. The windmill uses a rotor and incorporates a novel sail-type
construction. The pump is of a positive displacement type using the casing of a pneumatic type for the pumping chamber. Two prototypes have been constructed and these have indicated a reasonable performance and reliability.
Wind operated water pumpin journal publication international journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology,vol 03,issue 05,mey-2016,ISSN: (2395-0056) 0nilne,(2395-0072) print.
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Alex Kalmikov and Katherine Dykes With contributions fromKathy Araujo PhD Candidates, MIT Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Systems and Urban Planning MIT Wind Energy Group &Renewable Energy Projects in Action.
Wind pump handbook (pilot edition) prepared by S.K Tewari and R.P. Gupta, Tata Energy Research Institute, 1982.
Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids SI Unitsarranged by G. F. C. Rogers and Y. R. Mayhew Fifth Edition Blackwell Publishing, 1995, Oxford, U.K.
Design and development of windmill operated water pump in journal publication international journal of innovative research inn science,engineering and technology,vol.1,issue11,January 2016:ISSN(2319-8753)online,(2347-6710)print.
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