Academic Nursing Educators' Perception of Job Characteristics Dimensions and its Relationship to Leadership Empowerment and Organizational Loyalty at Faculty of Nursing
Job characteristics dimensions, leadership empowerment, organizational loyaltyAbstract
Nowadays, job characteristics are one of the essential factors that affect and have a relationship between nursing educators' and empowerment. In fact, empowerment is an active process used to analyze the academic environment at different levels. Empowerment has a strong correlation with job performances incorporate to the loyalty of nursing educators to the organization. This study aimed to investigate the perception of job characteristics model and its relationship to leadership empowerment and organizational loyalty among academic nursing educations at the Faculty of Nursing. Methods: A descriptive correlational research design was utilized. This study conducted on 125 academic nursing educators working in 9 scientific departments in the Faculty of Nursing-Alexandria University who were available and willing to participate at the time of data collection. The questionnaires were developed from three standards scales used in collecting data pertaining to this study namely; Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS), Leadership Empowerment Behavior Questionnaire (LEBQ), and Organizational loyalty Questionnaire. The validity of data collection questionnaires was done and reliability was found out using Cronbach’s alpha correlation coefficient method. Study data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and support with the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 20. The acceptable level, as the recommended value is 0.05 for all statistical measurements were used. The main finding shows a positive significant correlation coefficient between perceptions of job characteristics dimensions and its relationship to leadership empowerment and organizational loyalty among academic nursing educators. Also, they have the highest mean score in job characteristics dimensions of job autonomy and feedback from job itself respectively. Task identity and task significant respectively were having the lowest mean score of job characteristics dimensions. Highest mean scores of academic nursing educators occur in Confidence in high performance and meaningfulness of work in relation to empowerment leadership dimensions. While the lowest mean scores were documented for goal achievement dimension. A significant relationship was observed between socio-demographic characteristics in term of age; years of experiences, educational qualification, and academic department and job characteristics dimensions as well as empowerment leadership and organizational loyalty. The study recommended that the top authority of the Faculty of Nursing has greatly encouraged the implementation of empowerment leadership policy for improving the academic nursing job autonomy, educators' performance through their loyalty to the organization.
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