Assessment of Some Heavy Metals in Some Fast Foods in Kalubia Governorate
Assessment, Some, Heavy, Metals, some, fast, foods, Kalubia, GovernorateAbstract
Heavy metals are chemical elements which cannot be destroyed or broken down through heat treatment or environmental degradation, so pollution of environment with it can be a serious problem. In Egypt, there were many sources of heavy metals, often due to smelert and mining activities .This has led to toxic metals in the environment that directly affect air, water, soil and food. The presence of heavy metal residues particularly in fast foods is potentially hazardous to human specially children. So that the objective of this study aimed to detection of Cd,Pb and Hg in some Egyptian fast foods (Shawerma, Kabab,grilled and fried chicken and fish) obtained from Urban and Ruler areas in Kalubia Governorate. The study revealed presence of heavy metal residues is higher level in Urban area than Ruler one due to pollution of environment with industrial activities and cars full and mercury residue in grilled and fried fish is the highest one due to industrial effluents discharged into river Nile without treatment.
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