Development of a Skin Benign Tumor, Cancer and Melanoma from the View Point of Morpho Functional Zones


  • Yavisheva T. M. Head, Scientific Laboratory, Mechanisms of Stem Cells Regulation, Stock Company “R-Pharm”, Russian Federation
  • Shcherbakov S. D. Professor, Scientific Laboratory, Mechanisms of Stem Cells Regulation, Stock Company “R-Pharm”, Russian Federation



morphofunctional zones, stem cells quantity, skin benign tumor, cancer, melanoma


Development  of a benign and malignant skin tumor in a morphofunctional zone in many respects depends on the quantity of cambial cells, which excite  an electric field at their division, due to  which  the inactive Src-kinase, participating in a formation of the cytoskeleton  and a differentiation,  is  expressed in cells. Decrease in cells number  to 8 leads to formation of a benign tumor, and up to 6 – to malignant as this quantity of cambial cells can't express enough inactive Src-kinase, necessary for  a normal cytoskeleton formation. The skin melanoma  can develop  without decrease in  cambial cells number due to sharp redistribution between shares of inactive and the active Src-kinase, thus the cytoskeleton formation and cell differentiation fall.


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How to Cite

T. M., Y., & S. D., S. (2018). Development of a Skin Benign Tumor, Cancer and Melanoma from the View Point of Morpho Functional Zones. International Journal For Research In Health Sciences And Nursing, 4(12), 01–05.