Impact of Meditation and Hypnosis on Stress Levels of Media Industrial Employees


  • P.V. Balaji Deekshitulu Psychologist & Alternative Medicine (Homeopathy) Practitioner, Sri Balaji Clinic, Tirupati, A.P, India



Stress, symptoms, meditation,, hypnosis, results and discussion


The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy hypnosis and meditation to impact of stress among media industrial employees. The study conducted on a sample of 120 (Hypnosis=60 and Meditation=60) media industrial employees of Chittor district, Andhra Pradesh. In order to realize the objective of the study, Two hypothesis were formulated. (1) There would be significant impact of meditation on stress among media industrial employees with regard pre test and post test.(2)There would be significant impact of hypnosis on stress among media industrial employees with regard pre test and post test. Occupational stress index developed by A.K.Srivatsava and A.P.Singh (1984) was administered to the sample. There age range from 25 to 55 years. Data was analyzed using Means, SD’S and t values. Results show that mediation and hypnosis training reduce the stress among Media Industrial employees, and implications were drawn.


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How to Cite

Deekshitulu, P. B. (2016). Impact of Meditation and Hypnosis on Stress Levels of Media Industrial Employees. International Journal For Research In Health Sciences And Nursing, 2(3), 19–32.