Correlation Between Hyperhomocysteinemia and Preeclampsia
- Pregnancy, ,preeclampsia,homocysteine, ,hypertension,, folic acidAbstract
INTRODUCTION -Preeclampsia represents one of the most frequent complications of pregnancy.Homocysteine is an essential amino acid required for the growth of cells and tissues in the human body. Maternal hyperhomocysteinemia is associated with a number of placentamediated diseases such as preeclampsia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the plasma level of homocysteine and its association with severity of preeclampsia. METHODS- A total of 180 women were recruited in our study, which were divided into control and study groups.control group consist of 60 normotensive nonpregnant women and study group consists of two groups,group 1 having 60 normotensive pregnant women and group 2 which were further divided into two subgroups,group 2a having 40 Preeclamptic Pregnant Women with B.P. > 140/90mmHg to <160/100mmHg and group 2b having 20 Preelamptic Pregnant women with B.P. > 160/100mmHg out of which 5 had convulsion (Eclampsia). Serum homocystine levels estimation was done in study and control group by homocystine enzyme cycling method on fully automated Erba XL-300, Biochemistry analyser. RESULTS- In our study,maternal serum levels of total homocysteine were significantly higher in preeclamptic group than in normal pregnant women. Women with severe preeclampsia had higher serum levels of total homocysteine than mild preeclamptic patients. Levels of total homocysteine correlated positively with systolic blood pressure values in preeclamptic women. CONCLUSION-Preeclampsia / Eclampsia is a common medical disorder of human pregnancy complicating about 5-7% of all pregnancies. Elevated circulating homocysteine is a risk factor for endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease.
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