Socio-Psychological Health Hazards and Job Satisfaction Among the Female Nurses in the Selected Public Hospitals of Bangladesh
social hazards,, psychological hazards, , job satisfaction, nurseAbstract
The study focused on the different types of socio-psychological health hazards exposed to female nurses at their workplace. It also aimed to understand the level of job satisfaction among the study respondents. More specifically, this study assessed job satisfaction of female nurses in the public hospitals of Dhaka city in relation to sociopsychological health hazards. A total number of 133 female nurses from 3 government hospitals located at Dhaka city were purposively selected for face to face interview using a semi-structured questionnaire. Findings show that the most of the respondents (77%)
of this study were not satisfied with the hospital administration system and a significant number of
them (63%) wanted to change their profession. This study also revealed that health related hazards is
one of the main reasons for the respondents (31%) to leave nursing procession. In addition, an
overwhelming majority of the respondents (71%) faced sexual harassment at workplace. Based on
the bi-variate analysis, this study suggests that among the 6 components of socio psychological
hazards exposed to the nurses, 5 components are significantly associated with the job satisfaction.
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