Growth And Characterization Of Manganese Sulphide (MnS) Thin Films
Thin Film, Electrodeposition, MnSAbstract
The growth and characterization of MnS thin films using electrodeposition technique. Manganese sulphide thin films have been deposited onto well cleaned glass (ITO) as our substrate. The absorbance was measured using Janway 6405 UV – VIS model of the spectrophotometer in the wavelength range of 500nm-1500nm. Manganese sulphide thin films were investigated at 300k. Optical absorbance study showed that manganese sulphide films are in the range of 0.422-0.140. Manganese sulphide films were of indirect band gap type semiconductor, the resistivity and thickness decreases as the pH and conductivity of the films increases. The micrograph revealed a polycrystalline nature and the deposited films were found to be non-homogeneous. The structural parameters such as interplannar distance (d), lattice constant (a), grain size (D), dislocation density and microstrain have been evaluated. The grain size is calculated for all films. XRD analysis showed that manganese sulphide thin films, so deposited, exhibit polycrystalline in nature in a cubic structure with preferred orientation along (111) plane.
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