Growth and Yield of Plantain in High Planting Density Under Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizers on Ferralsol of Humid Forest Toward a Method of Fertilization in Continue Cropping in Côte d’Ivoire
High planting density, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers,, plantain,, sustainability of agrosystem, Côte d’IvoireAbstract
It is necessary to adopt high planting density of plantain (Musa sp.) for resorbing the seasonal deficit of the local market supplying while compulsory fertilizer recommendation only exist for low planting density (1667 plants ha-1 ) in Côte d’Ivoire. Five rates of each of the nitrogenN (200, 240, 260, 280 and 300 kgha-1 ) and potassium-K (548, 658, 712, 767 and 822 kgha-1 ) were partially combined adding 30 gP and 53 gCa per plant before applying during two (2012 – 2014) cropping seasons of plantain variety Corne 1 (2500 plants/ha). The girth of pseudo stem and the number of functional leaves were likely interfering with the bunch weight which response was limited to the rates of 240 kgNha-1 and 658 kgKha-1 . Further improvement is expected when enhancing the efficiency of potassium nutrition by adjusting P-rate to 37.5 g/plant and the irrigation (> 20 mm) in order to induce greater response to N×K fertilizer.
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