Analysing Relationship Between Store Atmospherics and Consumer Purchase Intention in Select Hypermarkets


  • Sadhana Vadhwani Vadhwani
  • Sanjeev Tandon Tandon



Space management is one of the crucial challenges faced by today’s retail managers. A well-organized shopping place increases productivity of inventory, enhances customers’ shopping experience, reduces operating costs, and increases financial performance of the retail store. The present paper attempts to identify any significant relation between Store Atmospherics and consumer purchase intention in select Hypermarkets. Result showed that store atmosphere influence customer behavior. The atmospheric attributes create a positive image and also help in making purchase decision.


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How to Cite

Vadhwani, S. V., & Tandon, S. T. (2018). Analysing Relationship Between Store Atmospherics and Consumer Purchase Intention in Select Hypermarkets. International Journal For Research In Social Science And Humanities, 4(6), 1–7.