The Challenges of Rural Education in Zambia
Keywords: Education, Rural Education, Rural Schools, Rural, Urban, Human Rights.Abstract
Education is a basic human right that is recognized globally and documented in many educational policies even among sub-Saharan African countries and Zambia inclusive. This basically implies that education is a right for each individual. It is also a means for enhancing the well-being and quality of life for the entire society. This being the case, education must be available to all people to enable them survive and develop to their maximum potential. This paper was compelled by the frequent reports coming from the Zambian rural areas and other prominent scholars & institutions on the neglect of rural areas in terms of social and economic services provision. Using a desk study, the researcher’s interest was to look through literature on the experiences of different areas in their provision of education to the rural areas. A focus on education is important because it is an important instrument for the existence and full functioning of society. Am able to confirm that majority of the rural citizens in the Zambian rural areas are denied access to education due to a myriad of challenges. It was established that many factors contribute to the challenges of rural education in most of the poor and rural areas of Zambia. These range from social, economic to cultural and geographical dispositions of an area. After synthesizing different province experiences, I summarized the challenges into two categories: 1). Factors that contribute to the lack of qualified teaching staff in rural areas; and 2). Factors that make it difficult for learners and teachers to attend rural schools. I concluded that it is incumbent upon government, being the custodian of public interest to ensure that every citizen is given access to quality education regardless of their location in Zambia, be it urban or rural.
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