The Role MCDM or MCDA Approaches in Criteria Decisions
Multiple-criteria decision, AHP,, P, Criteria Decisions, Multi evaluation decision, MCDMAbstract
The difficulty of the problem originates from the presence of more than one criterion. There is no longer a unique optimal solution to an MCDM problem that can be obtained without incorporating preference information. The conventional methods for selection are inadequate for dealing with the imprecise or vague nature of linguistic assessment. To overcome this difficulty, multicriteria decision-making methods are proposed. The aim of this study is to use analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) methods for Multi-criteria evaluation decision. It is unusual that the cheapest car is the most comfortable and the safest one. In portfolio management, we are interested in getting high returns but at the same time reducing our risks. This paper presents a comparison of MCDM and MCDA in mine case study.
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