An M/G/1 Retrial Queue with Unreliable Server Under Fuzzy Environment
Retrial queue, Breakdowns, Parametric Programming, Membership functions 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60K25, 03E72Abstract
An M/G/1 retrial queueing system with breakdowns have been studied in fuzzy environment. The arrival rate,retrial rate, service rate,failure rate and repair rate of server are all fuzzy numbers. For this model we obtain some system characteristics such as mean orbit size ,mean normal queue size and mean system size. The α cut approach is used to transform fuzzy queues with an unreliable server to a family of crisp retrial queues with unreliable server. By means of the membership functions of the system characteristics, a set of parametric nonlinear programme is developed to describe the family of crisp queues with an unreliable server.Numerical example is also illustrated to test the feasibility.
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