A Review on Recent Developments in Nano Particle Based Cutting Fluids in Machining Processes


  • Yacov Sahijpaul Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gian Jyoti Group of Institutions, Shambu Kalan, Punjab




Cutting fluid, Machining, Surface roughness . nano particles


Cutting fluids or cutting oils are engineering materials that optimize the machining operation. They are used for lubrication, heat dissipation, corrosion prevention, chip disposal etc. This paper demonstrates a literature survey on the development of nano particle based cutting fluids and demonstrated their effectiveness in improving various factors like surface roughness, tool wear rate etc.


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Author Biography

Yacov Sahijpaul, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gian Jyoti Group of Institutions, Shambu Kalan, Punjab


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How to Cite

Sahijpaul, Y. (2015). A Review on Recent Developments in Nano Particle Based Cutting Fluids in Machining Processes. International Journal For Research In Mechanical & Civil Engineering, 1(1), 01–03. https://doi.org/10.53555/mce.v1i1.914