Evaluation of Health Impact Assessment Implementation Programme: Case Study of Nigerian Environment
Health impact assessment (HIA) provides useful information on existing health services, their
capabilities and the health status of the local communities, which is otherwise often unavailable.
This paper shows that the HIA provides a unique opportunity for the generation of useful health
indicators and exposes health inequities, particularly in poor economies where the health
information necessary as a planning tool is largely lacking. It also highlights opportunities for the
enhancement of the positive aspects of development projects by incorporating practical and
realistic health goals into the project environmental management plan beyond mere project impact
mitigation. In Nigeria, HIA is usually applied to projects and, by exposing existing health
inequities in project communities, provides the necessary tool for development proponents to act
to provide or improve health services and to implement health promotion activities. Based on HIA
experience in Nigeria, this paper highlights the deficiencies in national legislation with regards to
HIA/EIA (environmental impact assessment) integration and a number of learning points are
discussed. Firstly, a complete health baseline is critical to the understanding of project impacts;
analysis must be broad-based, considering existing health determinants. Secondly, community
stakeholders and proponents may modify the implementation of health mitigation measures and
should be seen as collaborators in the assessment process. Thirdly, strong HIA recommendations
can influence a project design. A greater participation of the health sector in EIA is required to
enhance HIA utilization.
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