Measurement of Co2 Emission in Conjusted Area
Emission Analysis, CO2Abstract
Carbon Dioxide is one of the major environmental concerns in India. Over the past 20 years there has been a considerable increase in the number of motor vehicles. The present study was conducted to assess journey time and roadside exposure to particulate matter along major roads of salem, namakkal in tamilnadu during February 2017.Measurements of particulate mass were carried out continuously outside the vehicle at 15 different locations in all three cities. Additionally, monitoring was undertaken at a background site throughout the period. The carbon dioxide (ppm) has analyzed by using CO2 meter . It also measures humidity and temperature. The highest levels were found at the sites with traffic congestion reflecting, not only, the large contribution of automobile exhaust but also the suspension of road dust. The majority of public transport vehicles in these cities are not air-conditioned and it is very likely that commuters are exposed to the similar high levels of pollution.
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