Solar Powered Sprayer for Agricultural Use


  • Vignesh G. UG Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal
  • Sivasurya R. UG Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal
  • Srinivasan T. UG Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal



Solar Panel, DC Motor, Microcontroller, Sprayer


A Solar Powered Sprayer is a pump running on electricity generated by photovoltaic panels or the
thermal energy available from collected sunlight as opposed to grid electricity or diesel run water pumps. The operation of solar powered pumps is more economical mainly due to the lower operation and maintenance costs and has less environmental impact than pumps powered by an internal combustion engine (ICE). Solar pumps are useful where grid electricity is unavailable and alternative
sources (in particular wind) do not provide sufficient energy. The solar panels make up most (up to 80%) of the systems cost. The size of the PV-system is directly dependent on the size of the pump, the amount of water that is required (m³/d) and the solar irradiance available. The solar sprayer has
Many advantages. Besides reducing the cost of spraying, there is a saving on fuel/petrol. Also, the transportation cost for buying petrol is saved. The solar sprayer maintenance is simple. There is less vibration as compared to the petrol sprayer. The farmer can do the spraying operation by himself without engaging labour, thus increasing spraying efficiency.


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How to Cite

G., V., R., S., & T., S. (2017). Solar Powered Sprayer for Agricultural Use. International Journal For Research In Mechanical & Civil Engineering, 3(7), 09–13.