Microstructure and Tensile Properties of an Ultrafine Structured Al-5vol. %Al2O3 Nanocomposite Produced by Using a Powder Metallurgy Processes
Metal matrix composite,, Nanostructure,, High energy mechanical milling, Forging,, Extrusion,, Tensile strengthAbstract
Ultrafine grained Al-5vol%Al2O3 metal matrix composite powders were produced from a mixture of Al and nano Al2O3 powders using high energy mechanical milling (HEMM). The composite powders produced were first hot pressed at 300°C with a pressure of 240 MPa to produce cylindrical powder compacts for the forging part and composites powder were cold compacted under the 1 GPa pressure to produce cylindrical compacts for the extrusion one. Severe plastic deformation process was utilized to consolidate the powder compacts into nearly fully dense forged disks and extruded bars. With the same volume fraction of Al2O3 the average microhardness of the forged disks was 117HV and 133HV for the extruded bars. The tensile strength of the forged disks increased to 362 MPa and 371 MPa
for the extruded composite. Al-5vol%Al2O3 forged disk showed a macroscopic plastic yielding, while the Al-5vol%Al2O3 extruded bars did show a macroscopic plastic yielding with a small plastic strain to fracture (<1%).
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