The Effect of Milling Time and Composition on the Microhardness of Al/Al2O3 Composite Using Design of Experiments and Taguchi Method
metal matrix composites,, Design of experiments, Taguchi method,Abstract
The effect of milling time and composition on the microhardness of Al/Al2O3 composite was studied. Milling time was varied from 6 to 24 hours and composition was varied from 2.5 to 0 Vol% of alumina. Microhardness data were obtained by using Vickers hardness test using 25 reading for each combination. A linear model which is based on the design of experiments was applied to determine the effect and importance of each factor. For optimizing the process a second order regression model was developed. Results shows when both the milling time and composition were increased, the microhardness increased due to the significant interaction effect between the milling time and composition. A contour plot was produced which showed that at many milling time and composition conditions at which a desired value of hardness can be achieved.
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