Lead and Cadmium Levels in musculature of Wild and Farmed Tilapia Fish sold in Assiut City, Egypt
Heavy metals, lead, cadmium, fish, wild, farmed, Tilapia.Abstract
The objective of current study was to assess and compare the concentrations of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in flesh of wild and farmed Tilapia fish available in markets in Assiut city, Egypt. A total of 66 Tilapia fish samples (36 wild and 30 farmed) were randomly collected from the markets and Pb and Cd concentrations were determined in their flesh using Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer. Mean values for Pb and Cd in wild and farmed Tilapia were 1.507±0.180 & 0.379±0.053; and 2.178±0.260 & 0.437±0.084 mg kg-1 (wet basis), respectively. Most of the wild (80.6 & 83.3%) and farmed (90.0 & 80.0%) samples exceeded the permissible limit set by Egyptian standards for Pb and Cd, respectively. In conclusion, flesh of either wild or farmed Tilapia from markets in Assiut city, constitute a potential public health hazard for lead and cadmium toxicity. Farmed Tilapia is more dangerous in this respect.
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