Socio-Economic Determinants of the Adoption of Agricultural Contracts: Case of Cashew Farmers in North-Eastern Benin


  • Yann Emmanuel Sonagnon Miassi Department of Economics and Rural Sociology, Faculty of Agronomy, University ofParakou, BP 123, Parakou, Benin
  • Fabrice Kossivi Dossa Department of Economics and Rural Sociology, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Parakou, BP 123, Parakou,  Benin


Determinants, adoption, agricultural contracts, cashew


This study aims to analyze the adoption of agricultural contracts in This study aims to analyze the adoption of agricultural contratcts in Northeastern Benin, precisely in the communes of Tchaourou and N'Dali. The data collection was conducted on a sample of 144 producers (including 72 adopting farmers and 72 non-adopters) from the questionnaire. The information obtained was analyzed from the STATA 13 software. The analysis of the determinants of the adoption of agricultural contracts was based on a binary logistic regression model. Thus, the adoption of agricultural contracts by cashew producers is determined by variables such as: the age of the producer, the number of schooling years, the size of the household, the agreement on the quantity of nuts to be delivered under contract, the appreciation of the solidarity guarantee and the assessment of the risks presented by agricultural contracts. These determinants have a positive influence on the adoption of agricultural contracts by cashew producers, with the exception of the producer's assessment of the joint and several guarantee and the producer's assessment of the risks posed by agricultural contracts.


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How to Cite

Miassi, Y. E. S., & Dossa, F. K. (2018). Socio-Economic Determinants of the Adoption of Agricultural Contracts: Case of Cashew Farmers in North-Eastern Benin. International Journal For Research In Agricultural And Food Science, 4(1), 34–45. Retrieved from