Tunisian’s Discouragement Graduates with Respect to Their Employability: Explanation by Psycho sociological Factors


  • Wafa Ouerghemi Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management of Jendouba, Tunisia




Before they enter the faculty, then graduates, young people consider their chance to have a job. Expected or anticipated employability is, in fact, estimated in terms of factors related to both the labor market conditions and the psychological and social factors of the graduates. It is perhaps for this reason that one should better know the trajectory of graduates, to highlight their social, cultural, economic and, of course, psychological conditions. The purpose of this article is to expose a survey we conducted in 2005 with students that was considered to be the first to raise the idea that psychology and expected employability can be deeply related.


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How to Cite

Ouerghemi, W. (2019). Tunisian’s Discouragement Graduates with Respect to Their Employability: Explanation by Psycho sociological Factors. International Journal For Research In Social Science And Humanities, 5(2), 01–17. https://doi.org/10.53555/ssh.v5i2.815