Factors Influencing Community Development of Mogadishu, Somalia Case Study Daryeel Bulsho Guud
Poverty and its effects on Somali community have been the biggest challenge in the world and particularly in under developed countries, which Somalia lies in the front of the list. Since the collapse of former regime led by late president SiadBarre, the living conditions of many Somalis haven't been so good because of recurrent and endless civil wars which caused many Somalis to have fled from the country in search of peaceful environment while those remained in the country suffered from famine, droughts, clannish feuds and chronic poverty.All those above mentioned problems have left behind huge effects on the Somali community who have been struggling to cope with those difficulties as got a loop whole which they can overcome the effects of the poverty which inclined many Somali people mainly children and elderly people who are susceptible to the impacts caused by the poverty.Many international humanitarian agencies and Local NGOs have tried to cope with the humanitarian crisis in Somalia by making Somalia one of the top ten recipients of humanitarian assistance for the last decade, but still the poverty exists and gets increased.It is of this view that the study aims at investigating the factors influencing community development in Mogadishu. Somalia. The study was guided by four objectives which included;examiningthe effect of income inequality on community development of Mogadishu, Somalia,to determine the effect of literacy on community development of Mogadishu, Somali ,to find out the effect of unemployment on community development of Mogadishu, Somalia, to find out the effect of migration on community development of Mogadishu, Somalia.The study used descriptive research design.The target population was 155 respondents.The sample size of the study was 109 respondents who were selected from the target population through the use of Slovene’s Formula.The data collected was analyzed using the software called Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. The study analysis showed that there is a significant impact of income inequality on community development which was measured by presence of poverty in the community.The study analysis further showed that there is a significant relationship between unemployment and community development.The regression resultof the sample data indicated that there is a significant relationship between lack of education and poverty in the community.The study identified that reducing inequality and poverty, and promoting equity, is important policy objectives.The study therefore recommended that the government and international donors for Somalia should ensure provision of affordable, accessible, quality education. A well-educated country is a capable, skilled, and prosperous country; education is arguably the single most critical tool poorer segments of the population can use to ascend to the middle class and stay there.
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