Role of Civil Society in Peace Building in Mogadishu Somalia: Case Study Soscensa
The study was about the role of civil society in peace building in Mogadishu, Somalia. The research objectives was the role of Monitoring, advocacy, the use of service delivery the use of intermediation on peace building Mogadishu, Somalia. This study was used peace building theory, bottom up peace building theory and change of theory, mediation theory of Marxist and Face-Negotiation Theory that assumed the culture of people in Negotiations. The study was used descriptive research design. The target population of the study was 60 employees. Stratified sampling method was used to classify the target population into two strata. The sample size was be 52 employees arrived at using the Slovenes formulae. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires in linkert type scale. Data was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively using SPSS version 21. Multiple regression, correlation, model summery and ANOVA was generated. Data was presented using tables. Summary, conclusions and recommendations was provided. The study was looking at the role of civil society in peace building. The research objective was twofold, first to draw civil society's contributions in terms of peace building. It can be concluded that civil society has the ability to contribute to peace building and facilitate the conditions necessary for peace building. The second research objective was to investigate the activities and functions of civil society in peace building, as described by was to determine in what role does civil society have in Banadir, through its work, may contribute to the peace building processes. This has been explored and analyzed in chapter four. It was an important to underline that this study was involved only a small, but diversified, segment of civil society actors in Mogadishu, Somalia. There are hundreds of civil society organizations and associations in Mogadishu, Somalia that are involved in different peace building activities at the local, regional and national level. This thesis serves as an example of what civil society may contribute with in peace building, but the activities of civil society in peace building are not limited to solely those presented in this study. In the conclusions the study the findings after doing.
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