The Perfomance of Sierra Leone Youths in the Execution of the Technical Skills of Soccer


  • Adikali Kaba Sesay Lecturer,  Milton Margai College of Education and Technology, Sierra Leone
  • Javed Ali Soomro Research Scholar, Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China
  • Alpha Bassie Mansaray Lecturer, Njala University, Sierra Leone
  • Abdul Amid Aziz Jalloh University of Science and Technology, Sierra Leone



skill performance, technical skill, shooting, dribbling, heading, individual difference


The development of football in Sierra Leone is dependent upon the availability of players with the tactical, technical and mental capacity to exhibit the appropriate skills and techniques when required. The study focuses on the technical component of the skills and techniques required. Technical ability and technical performance of skills like shooting, heading, passing and dribbling were major components of this research. Youths within the age bracket of 13-18 years were used as respondent or participants to the research. Relevant literatures were reviewed to ascertain how useful they are to the present research. The participants were drawn from all the districts within the country and all the areas of player were also taken into consideration. The stratified and simple random sampling and after the data was collected, the statistical package for social sciences was used to make analysis of the findings. Although age is considered as a factor that will aid players in executing those skills during the research, however, the results proved that different age limit has specific area were they performed better than the other areas.


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How to Cite

Sesay, A. K., Soomro, J. A., Mansaray, A. B., & Jalloh, A. A. A. (2017). The Perfomance of Sierra Leone Youths in the Execution of the Technical Skills of Soccer. International Journal For Research In Social Science And Humanities, 3(12), 08–32.