Philosophers on‘Being


  • Wu Xinzhong Shanghai Jiaotong University, School of History and Culture of Science,China



being, fiction, object


This paper discusses various philosophical viewpoints about being, and admits its important logical philosophy meaning to distinguish reality and fiction.‘Being’concept of positivism is high strict but very vague, and‘being’concept of existentialism is in fact another philosophical statement of self, and Sartre's existence view is equivalent to solipsism's monadology mode of thinking in Ludwig Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus Logico-philosophicus'. Bertrand Russell's theory of descriptions is too simple in ontology because of canceling fictional objects and impossible objects. According to sense-reference function of psychological activity, we need to construct a new ontology about fictional objects, and form an objective horizon beyond monadology mode of thinking.


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William Barrett,Irrational Man:A Study in Existential Philosophy(1958),Doubleday,Anchor Books paperback(1962).

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How to Cite

Xinzhong, W. (2017). Philosophers on‘Being. International Journal For Research In Social Science And Humanities, 3(12), 01–07.