Barriers of Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation in Slovak Construction Enterprises


  • Mária Valkovičová Proarch, 20 Bajkalská Street, Poprad 058 01, Slovak Republic



Corporate social responsibility, Construction enterprises, Barriers, Implementation of CSR


Corporate social responsibility is the key concept of our modern age. However, the attempts to spread it worldwide are hindered by various factors influencing enterprises. These factors represent barriers which enterprises have to overcome in order to successfully adapt their business activities to the demands set for socially responsible organizations. This paper focuses on analyzing selected barriers influencing the implementation of corporate social responsibility in construction enterprises operating in Slovak republic. The emphasis of our research is on factors which are both general in their effects on any organization in Slovakia and specific which influence only enterprises in construction industry. These factors are divided into four main groups based on their area of influence. These groups consist of economic barriers, social barriers, environmental barriers and legislative barriers. Each set is analyzed individually according to current needs of Slovak construction enterprises.


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How to Cite

Valkovičová, M. (2018). Barriers of Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation in Slovak Construction Enterprises. International Journal For Research In Social Science And Humanities, 4(1), 12–22.