Power Game of Witch-Hunting in Assam: An Analysis


  • Sonali Boro Research Assistant, Centre for Women’s Studies,  Tezpur University, India 




Power, Witch Hunting, Media, Politics


Particularly defining witch hunt is a campaign directed against a person or group holding views considered unorthodox whom are assumed to be a threat to the society or searching out for persecution of persons accused of witchcraft. Here a big question comes to one’s mind as to what is witchcraft? Witch craft is the practice of any magical art form of any religion or spiritual system regardless of alignment or intent. In Assam the cases relating to witch hunting are totally different from the actual connotation. In Assam basically women are branded as witch or daini (common parlance in Assam) only instigated by a quack or bej. Dr. Rakesh K Singh in his article “Witch-Hunting: Alive and kicking said that witch hunting is essentially a legacy of violence against women in our society. This study tried to highlight the practice of witch hunting and dimension of power.


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How to Cite

Boro, S. (2018). Power Game of Witch-Hunting in Assam: An Analysis. International Journal For Research In Social Science And Humanities, 4(2), 01–10. https://doi.org/10.53555/ssh.v4i2.296