Bukidnon-Magahat Learners’ Plight : Factors Affecting Learning Academic Performance


  • Ma. Nova Joy R. Alcueres Public School Teacher, DepEd-Bayawan City Division, Bayawan City, Negros Oriental, Philippines




Indigenous learners, individual factors, instructional factors, socio-cultural factors, academic performance


This study aimed to identify the factors that influences indigenous learners academic performance. A population of 139 indigenous learners from grades 4-6 were the research respondents in the public schools in the Division of Bayawan City. This research utilized the Descriptive-Correlational method and statistical tools were used to answer the specific problems. Results revealed that indigenous learners showed a high extent on their individual, instructional, and socio-cultural perceived factors. Moreover, the data indicated that the academic performance of the respondents on the core subjects such as English, Science, and Mathematics is “Fairly Satisfactory” on the first quarter and satisfactory level during the second quarter. Lastly, there is strong relationship between the individual factors like study habits, academic self-concept, and confidence in academic life on their academic performance. While they are on moderate relationship in their interest. A very weak relationship on instructional factors, and moderate extent on parental support.



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How to Cite

Alcueres, M. N. J. R. (2020). Bukidnon-Magahat Learners’ Plight : Factors Affecting Learning Academic Performance. International Journal For Research In Social Science And Humanities, 6(5), 01–31. https://doi.org/10.53555/ssh.v6i5.1286