Community Members’ Self-Help Initiatives in Solving Water Problems in Morogoro District, Tanzania
Self-help, water problems, initiatives, community involvement, sustainabilityAbstract
In response to poor performance of water schemes and for sustainable water resources management the government of Tanzania introduced new water policies of 1991 and 2002 which now leaves the management and operation of community water supply services in the hands of communities through self-help initiatives. However, despite community involvement through self-help actions the country has continued to experience serious water problems especially in rural areas. This study assessed community members’ self-help initiatives in solving water problems in Morogoro District, Morogoro Region in Tanzania, focusing on: examining the extent of community water problems and assessing the level of community members’ self-help initiatives. A total of 365 household heads from four wards were randomly selected for a household survey while 8 Focus Group Discussions were conducted in eight villages. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The study found that the extent of existing water problems was high in terms of per capita water quantity, water quality, distance to water source, queuing and water source dry up or seasonality. Constrained by several factors, the level of community members’ self-help initiatives was low. Further, the study found that there was significant negative relationship (r=-0.162 at p<0.05) between self-help initiatives and water problems, leading to rejection of the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between self-help and water problems. The study then recommends: (i) expansion of water infrastructure in the aspects of water source types that guarantee safe, sufficient and sustainable water supply and (ii) more effective community mobilization and greater support of private and community initiatives in water supply issues.
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