Elections Presidentielle Et Legislative De 2011 En Republique Democratique Du Congo: La Campagne Electorale Au Mepris De La Loi


  • Guy Angbongi Gongwa Assistant à l’Institut Supérieur De Commerce De Kisangani En RDC




Dedicated to the progress of the election campaign at the time of the presidential and legislative elections of 2011 in Democratic Republic of Congo, this article explains the observed irregularities. Among these irregularities, we can mention: the election campaign anticipated, the illegal use money, the materials and the staff of the state. The main people who didn't respect the electoral law were the authorities and the candidates of the party to the power. Unfortunately, all these people who had not respected the law have not been punished by the judicial institutions of the country.


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How to Cite

Gongwa, G. A. . (2019). Elections Presidentielle Et Legislative De 2011 En Republique Democratique Du Congo: La Campagne Electorale Au Mepris De La Loi. International Journal For Research In Social Science And Humanities, 5(8), 19–28. https://doi.org/10.53555/ssh.v5i8.1087