Importance of Job Burnout Effects on Employees’ Attitude and Performance at Workplace: A Review
Job Burnout, Employees, Government, Managers, Organizational behaviour, WorkplaceAbstract
The modern world needs more changes and developments; in this regard, considering to different aspects of expansion and advancing, is crucial important. Industrial part of every country can be nourish based on well-organized strategies that prepared by government, managers, workplace etc., additionally, focusing on important factors that play critical role on level of employees’ performance and presentation at workplace is very imperative. These factors have two positive and negative aspects; moreover, distinguishing them is so important. Lack of attention to negative factors assumed as terrible threat for employees and considering them can be helpful and effective for improving and increasing employee’s performance at workplace. Job burnout assumed as one the negative organizational factors that based on different views and theories evaluated. One of these main views referred to Maslach and Jackson Approach that explain job burnout lead to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and low-level of self-confidence and success. In this regards, organization, managers, workplaces, and government should be considered on job burnout and try to organize some professional seminars and workshops for employees, and educate them organizational behaviour; also, they should recognize any types of warning factors that maybe occurred and lead to job burnout among employees. In the present literature review focused on importance of job burnout effects on employees’ attitude and performance at workplace that should be monitoring via managers, workplace, and government.
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