A Stylistic Analysis of Language of Politics in the Acceptance Speech of President Goodluck Jonathan


  • Olusanya Ray Bolarinwa Department of Languages, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Nigeria




Stylistic, Analysis, Language, Politics, Acceptance, Speech, President, Goodluck, Jonathan


This research, on stylistic analysis of language of politics, is specifically carried out within the confine of selected acceptance speech, to give insight on the stylistic analysis of language of politics. It is believed that style is explored by politicians in an attempt to solicit for the supports of the electorates through language. This research was conducted based on the influence of language used by the politicians. Attention was paid to the special features that differentiate language of politics from other forms of language use in advertisement, religion, science and technology etc. These features were stylistically discussed and recommendations were made for other researchers.



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How to Cite

Bolarinwa, O. R. (2016). A Stylistic Analysis of Language of Politics in the Acceptance Speech of President Goodluck Jonathan. International Journal For Research In Educational Studies, 2(12), 37–46. https://doi.org/10.53555/es.v2i12.215