Involvement of Parents’ in Digital Learning Integration Programme in Meru County Kenya


  • David Kaaria Kiugu Meru, Kenya Methodist University (KeMU), Nairobi, Kenya
  • Tarsilla Kibaara Meru, Kenya Methodist University (KeMU), Nairobi, Kenya
  • Rebeca Wachira Meru, Kenya Methodist University (KeMU), Nairobi, Kenya



Digital Learning Integration (DLI), Preparedness, Parental Involvement, Management, Innovation, Policy, Parent, Teachers’ Association (PTA)


Digital learning integration (DLI) in the education sector has greatly expanded access to education with the support of parents as key stakeholders in the teaching and learning process of their children. DLI program is slow in public primary schools in Meru County amid claims that parents were not involved in preparations for the program before it was rolled out. This study examined the extent of involvement of parents in preparations for DLI before the program was rolled out in public primary schools in Meru County-Kenya. The study targeted all head teachers, teachers, sub-county Directors of Education (SCDE), PTA executive members, and learners from DLI pioneer grade. Ten percent of the schools were sampled using simple random sampling from where 912 respondents (67 head teachers, 496 teachers, 201 PTA executive members, and 536 pupils from DLI pioneer grade) were sampled. The sample also had 8 SCDEs purposively sampled. Descriptive survey design was used. Interview guide for SCDEs, questionnaires for (head teachers, teachers, and PTA executive members), and focus group discussion tools were used to collect data. Quantitative data was analyzed using IBM SPSS version 22 for social studies while qualitative data was reported in narrative. The results revealed that parents were not sensitized or involved in any way on DLI program preparations. However, in schools where parents were involved, the program was doing very well. Pearson moment correlation coefficient, t-test, regression model were used to test hypotheses. The results indicate that there was positive strong correlation between parents’ involvement in DLI preparations and the application of DLI in the classroom. The study concluded that parents should be sensitized and be involved in DLI program support financially and in management.


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How to Cite

Kiugu, D. K., Kibaara, T., & Wachira, R. (2019). Involvement of Parents’ in Digital Learning Integration Programme in Meru County Kenya. International Journal For Research In Educational Studies, 5(11), 01–26.