Collation of DVR and D-Statcom Using Fuzzy Inference Systems
Voltage Sag,, Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR),, Sugeno-type Fuzzy Logic controller(SFC),, Mamdani type Fuzzy logic controller(MFC),Abstract
Over the recent period of time power quality problems have been remarked as a prominent issue with regard to promoting delicate and miniature electronic devices where Voltage sag problem is the most frequently occurring and detrimental power quality problems. At present, a wide range of very flexible controllers, which capitalize on newly available power electronics components, are emerging for custom power applications to correcting the voltage sag in a distributed system.Among these, D-STATCOM and the DVR are most effective devices, along with controlling methods namely Sugeno Fuzzy Controller (SFC), Mamdani Fuzzy Controller (MFC) and PI controller. A DVR injects a voltage in series with the system voltage and a D-STATCOM injects a current into the system to correct the voltage sag. The outcomes of D-STATCOM using SFC, demonstrated in two and three phases compensated 96%and 93% voltage sag difficulties and DVR showed that SFC was able successfully to overcome the voltage sag 98.05%, 96.40% and 94.20% at single-phase, two-phase and threephase respectively. DVR using SFC showed to be better performance for solving voltage sag problem
compared with D-STATCOM with SFC controller Techniques .
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