The Impact of Electronic Learning in Workplace: Case Study of a Multinational Company in Morocco


  • Aniss Ait Alla Ph.D. Scholar, ENCG UIZ Science and Technical Management Agadir, Morocco
  • Omar Rajaa Professor, ENCG, UIZ,  Agadir, Morocco



Electronic learning, Impact of electronic learning, Barriers to the adoption of electronic learning


The rapid obsolescence of knowledge and the need for just-in-time learning of a scattered workforce in the world have redefined the way staff are trained. The adoption of online training is significantly influence employee skill development around the world. The main objective of the study is to identify the impact of electronic learning within a multinational company operating in the Moroccan industrial sector using the  qualitative method by semi-directive interview. The outcome of this interview with the company's Human Resources Director showed that the company adopts electronic learning to provide itsemployees with the knowledge and skills required immediately to meet work demands, Flexibility as a superior reason to use electronic learning. The research also underscores the importance of the challenge of changing the perception of people how is focus into traditional delivery models and the biggest obstacle to the adoption of e-learning.


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Author Biography

Aniss Ait Alla, Ph.D. Scholar, ENCG UIZ Science and Technical Management Agadir, Morocco


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How to Cite

Alla, A. A., & Rajaa, O. (2017). The Impact of Electronic Learning in Workplace: Case Study of a Multinational Company in Morocco. International Journal For Research In Electronics & Electrical Engineering, 3(2), 01–07.