Carrying Capacity Analysis of Area of Sustainable Shrimp Cultivation Based on Land Suitability and Water Availability in Coastal Bay of Banten Indonesia
intensive cultivation,, semi-intensive, traditional,, ater supply, land suitabilityAbstract
Shrimp cultivation in the area that does not conform to the land suitability and natural resources potential, will affect the sustainability of production and profits. This research aims to assess the support capability of fishpond area of shrimp cultivation in the Coastal Bay Banten. The research location was in the fishpond area of Coastal Bay, Banten. Data analysis was conducted on primary data taken through field survey and secondary data obtained from the study of literature and reports. Research method of this study used two analysis approaches, namely: the weighting method of land suitability and ater supply method. the results of the analysis showed that subject to total land area of coastal bay Banten which is approximately 5028.3 hectares, there are three categories for shrimp cultivation, which are extensive or traditional, semi-intensive and intensive, with their areas consecutively are 4,460 ha, 746.91 ha and 166.43 ha. Shrimp Productivity per hectare in intensive cultivation system is the highest compare to the others two systems.
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